To inquire about tickets for the 51st Annual Edelbrock Banquet of Champions presented by Lincoln Electric on Jan. 24-26 at Sawmill Creek Resort, or for information, see event page below, email or call 419-668-5555!

Guest Code of Conduct

Summit Motorsports Park is committed to providing our race fans affordable family entertainment in a safe, comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere.


Summit Motorsports Park Code of Conduct

Thank you for coming to Summit Motorsports Park! This Summit Motorsports Park Code of Conduct has been established to help create a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for our guests of all ages. Guests are required to take responsibility for their behavior in order to ensure they are not interfering with the enjoyment of others. Guests are specifically required to refrain from the following:

• Behavior that is unruly, disruptive or illegal in nature

• Intoxication or other signs of impairment that result in offensive and/or irresponsible behavior

• Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures

• Interference with the event

•  Failure to follow instructions of stadium personnel or law enforcement.

• Verbal or physical harassment of others including all fans, participants officials and staff

• Smoking in the seating bowl

• Theft or vandalism

•  Engaging in any of the above code violations in any areas outside Summit Motorsports Park that are owned or operated by Summit Motorsports Park or its affiliates

All ticket holders are responsible for their conduct as well as the conduct of their guests or any other people they allow to use their seats. Event patrons and/or guests who violate these provisions will be subject to ejection without refund, and risk potential loss of ticket privileges for future shows.

Event Day Text Messaging Service: Text 419-554-0550 to report incidents anonymously.

Summit Motorsports Park accepts text messages as an anonymous method of reporting conduct and behavioral issues. If the behavior of a guest or guests around you becomes disruptive or violates this Guest Code of Conduct, call or send a text message to 419-554-0550 and give your exact location followed by a description of the issue. If you are in the seating bowl, provide grandstand name, section number, row and seat number as well as a general description of the offender).