To inquire about tickets for the 51st Annual Edelbrock Banquet of Champions presented by Lincoln Electric on Jan. 24-26 at Sawmill Creek Resort, or for information, see event page below, email or call 419-668-5555!

Track Rules


Summit Motorsports Park follows the NHRA rulebook.

RADIO STATION – Dial 88.5 on your FM radio to tune in to the track P.A. System.

RACETRACK – The race will be contested on the ¼ mile with ½ mile shut down.

CONTINGENCY PROGRAM - You must display a decal for each product (1 per side) in a prominent and visible location, as well as run the applicable product to be eligible for the Summit Motorsports Park contingency program. Anyone found to be “slapping” contingency decals would forfeit contingency payout! Decals must be displayed prior to the first round.


Speed limit for cars, bikes, quads, carts, etc. traveling in the pit area is 10 miles per hour.

Pit Vehicles MUST be driven in a safe and responsible manner.

Pit Vehicles MUST be driven by a licensed driver 16 years or older.

Pit Vehicles MUST yield to race vehicles at all times.

Racers may be held accountable for the conduct of their crew, per the NHRA Rulebook.

Beginning one (1) hour after racing ends, all motorized vehicles will be parked and foot traffic only is permitted.


On the Ohio Cat Side:  

If towing a racecar, you may save up to two (2) additional pit spaces in addition to your own.

If driving a passenger car, you may only save the spot occupied by your vehicle with no additional spaces.

On the Summit Side:

You may save additional pit space besides your own.

Clubs and groups may save additional spaces in the North 40 (north of the family campgrounds.)


In the interest of highway safety (per the Ohio State Highway Patrol,) teams are not permitted to park on parking lot entrance aprons.


Staking is not permitted on the Ohio Cat Side of the Race Track.

We ask for everyone’s cooperation regarding this manner. Fines may be administrated.


On the Ohio Cat Side:

Fires must be contained in an elevated fire containment system to not harm the asphalt or grass.

All unconsumed combustibles must be cleaned-up after event.

No burning of trash; wood only.

On the Summit Side:

Fire rings must be used on non-asphalt surfaces.

All unconsumed combustibles must be cleaned-up after event.

An elevated fire containment system must be used over asphalted areas.

No burning of trash; wood only.


No extension cords can be run across the roadways, nor can they be run overhead.


Edelbrock Super Pro (SP): 4.30 – 7.75:

Delay Boxes and Data Recorders Permitted

No computers

1/8 mile

Crosstalk, TruSTART will be utilized

Edelbrock Pro (P): 5.40 – 8.99:

No Delay Boxes or computers

Door Cars Only

1/8 mile

TruSTART will be utilized

Edelbrock Sportsman Delivered On Time by TFC Transportation (SPT): 11.60 – 19.99

No Electronics or computers

1/4 mile

TruSTART will be utilized

Edelbrock Stock (STK): Any Dial

Street Legal Cars

No Open Headers; No Slicks

1/4 mile

TruSTART will be utilized

Wiseco/Cycle Tech Super Bike (SB): 7.50 – 15.99

Delay Boxes and Data Recorders Permitted

No computers

1/4 mile

Crosstalk, TruSTART will be utilized

Edelbrock NHRA Jr. Street (JS): 9.00 & Slower

13-16 Years Old

Full Bodied Street Legal Vehicles

Adult Co-Driver

1/8 mile

TruSTART will be utilized.

Bear Motorsports NOVICE Jr Dragster presented by Wiseco (NOV):

6-7 Years Old: 13.90 & Slower

8-9 Years Old: 11.90 & Slower

No Pullbacks!

TruSTART will be utilized

Bear Motorsports INTERMEDIATE Jr Dragster presented by Wiseco (INT): 8.90 & Slower

10-12 Years Old

No Pullbacks!

TruSTART will be utilized

Bear Motorsports ADVANCED Jr Dragster presented by Wiseco (ADV): 7.90* & 85 MPH & Slower

13-18 Years Old

*Must run 8.90 & Slower if car doesn’t meet Advanced Class criteria to run 7.90 & Slower

No Pullbacks!

TruSTART will be utilized


General Safety:

Summit Motorsports Park follows the NHRA Rulebook closely.

Any clarifications or additions to the NHRA Rulebook are listed below.

All other General & Race Regulations will be directly referenced from the NHRA Rulebook.

To further enhance your racing experience, take the time to read and understand these rules as well as the NHRA Rulebook.

Summit Motorsports Park, where applicable will utilize Compulink Cross-Talk, StageLoc and TruSTART

As always, the Race Director's interpretation of all rules will be final.


Any car running 4.49 or Quicker or 150 miles-per-hour or faster will be required to run a head and neck restraint device/system meeting SFI 38.1 and must display a valid SFI label.  At all times, the driver is in the race vehicle, from the ready line until the vehicle is on the return road, driver must properly utilize an SFI 38.1 head and neck restraint device/system, including connecting the helmet as required for full functionality of the device. The SFI 38.1 head and neck restraint device/system, when connected, must conform to the manufacturer’s mounting instructions, and it must be configured, maintained, and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. See General Regulations 10:8 (Rev. 4/09/24).

As part of this rule, the following equipment is also required: 1) Head Sock, (2) Neck Collar, or (3) Skirted Helmet (Rev. 4/09/24).


Dial-In’s are to be placed on the right side of the windshield and the passenger’s side window and may be changed between rounds, but you must stay within the limits of your class.

Dial-In accuracy for both lanes is your responsibility! Dial-In’s will be displayed on both the readout boards and scoreboards before you stage. Once you turn on the pre-stage beam you accept both dial-in’s right or wrong!


One driver per vehicle per class during eliminations. No sharing (or changing) of vehicles once eliminations have begun


Will be pulled from lanes in the following manner:

Cars in lanes 1, 3, 5, 7 and 12 will time trial in the Summit Lane (left lane)

Cars in lanes 2, 4, 6, 8 and 11 will time trial in the Ohio Cat Lane (right lane)


A track official will direct cars into the staging lanes. During eliminations, cars, under the Rear-Of-Staging Official’s direction, may be ordered to alternate lanes to achieve random pairings.


Will be chosen based on the best (winning) reaction time from the prior round and announced over the P.A. prior to the start of each round.

If an odd number of vehicles compete then that driver will receive the bye run. In the event of an even number, the chosen bye will NOT carry the bye into the next round of competition. However, the drawn bye will be eligible to again qualify for the bye in subsequent rounds.

A racer may only be chosen to receive the bye run one time daily within a given class.

Once down to the round of 16 or fewer vehicles, a bye will only be chosen in the event of an odd number. In this event, the bye will continue to be based upon the same reaction time criteria as referenced above.

The chosen bye run will always receive lane choice.


Once we enter the eighth-finals (the round of 9-16 remaining vehicles), cars/bikes will be numbered and paired accordingly. Only in the event of a true odd number of vehicles will a bye be chosen. In the event there is an even number and a car in any given pair is a “no show”, his or her other half will receive a competition single.

Junior Dragster will continue to use playing cards to determine an opponent. However, like their adult counterparts, only in the event of a true odd number of vehicles will a bye be chosen.


Should a car/bike enter the staging lanes for eliminations and experience a mechanical failure he or she will be permitted to pull out of the lanes and have until the end of the round to complete the necessary repair.


The driver and vehicle must both be ready to fire and race when instructed to do so by a race official. If the vehicle or driver is not “ready” the official will give the driver thirty seconds to fire the vehicle. If the vehicle is unable to fire, a competition single will be awarded to the “other” driver and vehicle.


Are not permitted by any car 12.00 or slower. A backup to align your car, or avoid questionable track conditions, is up to the Starter's discretion but NO REHEATING TIRES!

Cars or bikes (0-11.99) are permitted one (1) backup. 


A reasonable amount of time will be permitted for drivers to stage.

The time limit will be determined at the sole and absolute discretion of the official starter.

Failure to stage upon the starter’s instructions is possible grounds for disqualification.

After proper staging and receiving the starter’s signal to go, restaging for a second time is prohibited.

Any driver leaving the starting line before the start system is activated, including a driver on a single run will have his or her time disqualified for the run.

Auto-Start will be active in all classes.

Any racer who turns their front tire(s) to the left and right once or multiple times while in the act of staging will be disqualified.  This “style” of racing creates the intent to be deceptive or “unsportsmanlike” and is considered a “Trick on The Tree” which is illegal (Rev. 4/09/24). 


When the tree is cycling to green and a staged driver loses fire, he/she has thirty (30) seconds to restart the motor and break the stage beam under their own applied power. No external assistance is permitted.  If a R/T is recorded the outcome of the run stands.  If no R/T is recorded, the run is treated as a competition single for the “other” car.


Crewmembers are prohibited from touching the car after it is pre-staged.

Crewmembers touching the car once it is pre-staged will result in an immediate car disqualification.

Pullbacks in the case of over staging are NOT permitted.

Tire covers may be left on past ready line. Removal of tire covers must not slow the staging process.


When staging “Deep”, do not stop your forward motion after the stage light comes on. Proceed to the deep position and be ready.

Deep staging is a luxury; not a right.

A “missed” deep stage by the starter is not grounds for a re-run.


Winnings are to be picked up by the end of each night.

Photo ID is required!

Payout is available at Ohio CAT Guest Services (north end of Quarter Mile Clothing Company).


All vehicles must have at least one working “high intensity” taillight.


Can utilize the concrete return road in front of the Budweiser Grandstands.


Re-runs are not racer discretionary; and are only authorized by the Race Director.


Are unofficial and for your convenience.

The tower clocks are official and will be final should a discrepancy occur.


Are allowed in Super Pro & Super Bike only. Delay Boxes are not allowed (in or on the vehicle) in Pro, Sportsman, Stock or any entry-level class.

The Display of engine RPM is prohibited on all models.

Wiring from the Tachometer to the Delay Box is also prohibited.

In the future, certain multi-function delay boxes may be deemed illegal due to timer functions.

Cross Talk will be utilized in Super Pro and Super Bike.


Any type of traction-control device, electronic or mechanical, is prohibited.

A traction-control device is any unit or system that uses live data to control functions of the vehicle, such as tire slip, which are not controlled by the driver. These devices are, but not limited to, timing control based on wheel, driveline, or engine acceleration, braking control, throttle control, tire-shake meters, vertical acceleration meters, misfire control, stutter box, relays, time to location, GPS to location devices and/or rpm activated chips.


Data Recorders are permitted in Super Pro and Super Bike ONLY!


Throttle Stops & Air Throttles are allowed in Super Pro and Super Bike only as a Starting Line Launch Control and not as a "Down Track" Throttle Stop. Orifice control blocks in the pneumatic lines are permitted as long as the throttle moves to wide open, without hesitation, upon launch of the vehicle.

Are not allowed in Pro, Sportsman, Stock, or any "entry level" class.

A fixed mechanical throttle stop that cannot be adjusted or overridden, while the car is in motion, is allowed in all classes.

Nitrous timers ARE permitted in Super Pro, & Super Bike.

May not use any other timers to control any other down track functions, in any class.


Allowed in Super Pro, Pro, & Super Bike only!

Not allowed in Sportsman, Stock, or any "entry level" classes.

In the Pro class, Air / Electric shifters must utilize a preset RPM-activated switch – no timers allowed.

RPM switch adjustment must be out of driver’s reach when racing.

Shifting on time is permitted in Super Pro. (rev. 2/29/16)


Allowed in Super Pro, Super Bike, Pro and Sportsman

A single line loc may be used on non-drive wheel, only in Sportsman.


Ignitions that have timing event recording capabilities are only allowed in Super Pro.

Ignitions used in Pro that have timing event recording capabilities must have the memory chip (card) removed from assembly and the ignition box must be out of the driver’s reach.

If an ignition has a built in Tattle Tale lighting system, the LED light MUST work. If light is not functional during a spot check, official will rule box as an electronics policy infraction.

The use of any programmable multi-point rev limiter and/or a rate-of-acceleration rpm limiter, either by themselves (e.g., MSD 7561, MSD7761) or integrated into the ignition system (e.g., MSD 7531), is prohibited in NHRA Competition, including all Summit Motorsports Park produced events, (e.g. the EDELBROCK Super Series Classes, $40 Grand, No Box Bonanza, etc) and outside promoter events where the Promoter follows track rules.

All CAN-Bus hubs and ignition system input peripherals, leads, and wires must be out of driver’s reach.


Allowed in Super Pro and Super Bike only!

Not allowed in Pro, Sportsman, Stock, or any "entry level" classes.

Willfull violation of any electronics rule will result in a LIFETIME SUSPENSION from Summit Motorsports Park.